Displaying 1 - 10 of 10
Company Name Email Phone
Browning Valuation Services, LLC
Browning, Sherri browningvaluation@myfairpoint.net 603-986-5878
Debora J. West, Appraiser
West, Debora debbiejwest@gmail.com 603-387-4577
Straight Line Appraisal, Inc
Stokes, Jason jason@slappraisal.com 207-838-7800
Valued Appraisals
Consaul, Bruce consaul@roadrunner.com 603-356-8161
Attorneys and Title Companies 
Company Name Email Phone
Alpine Title Services, Inc.
Ilacqua, Kelley kelley@alpinetitleservices.com 603-986-2071
Alpine Title Services, Inc.
Weegar, Vicki vicki@alpinetitleservices.com 603-986-5673
Sawicki, Patricia psawicki@catic.com 603-620-6958
Cooper, Cargill, Chant P.A.
Arias, Melissa marias@presidentialtitlenh.com 603-356-5439
Four Points Title & Escrow LLC
Carey, Trish tcarey@fourtitle.com 603-205-2064
Hastings Law Office, P.A.
Herzog, Teri therzog@hastings-law.com 207-935-2061
Hastings Law Office, P.A.
Pierce, Andrew apierce@hastings-law.com 207-935-2061
Presidential Title Services
Thomas, Heidi hthomas@presidentialtitlenh.com 603-733-5925
Red Door Title, LLC
Widmer, Elizabeth lwidmer@reddoortitle.net 603-937-0100
Red Door Title, LLC
Wilford, Ryan RWilford@reddoortitle.net 603-427-9399
Summit Title Services, LLC
Gwynn, Heidi heidi@stscorp.com 603-616-8968
The Title Team
Armano, Maria marmano@titleteamnh.com 603-387-7959
Company Name Email Phone
BD Works Painting and Property Management
Haynes, Parker bdworksnh@gmail.com 603-986-6520
Cormack Construction Management, Inc.
Cormack, Gordon gordonc@cormackconstructionmanagement.com 603-986-5468
Cormack Construction Management, Inc.
DeSerrano, Joseph josephd@cormackconstruction.com 603-367-8272
Cormack Construction Management, Inc.
Russell, Robin robinr@cormackconstruction.com 603-367-8272
Curt's Water Solutions
King, Curtis curt@cwswaterworks.com (603) 723-5443
Eastern Propane & Oil
Fitzsimmons, Tim timothy.fitzsimmons@eastern.com 603-534-9204
New England Home & Interiors
Arcone, Amanda amanda@newenglandhomeandinteriors.com 603-790-0130
Turner Septic Pumping
Hatch, Kim turnerseptic@gmail.com 603-733-8667
Home and Septic Inspectors 
Company Name Email Phone
A Builder's View Home Inspections
L.C.I Home Inspections
LoPresti, Joshua lcihinsp@gmail.com 781-727-6573
Russell Inspection Services
Russell, Kyle russell14022@yahoo.com 603-740-4062
Russell Inspection Services
Russell, Peter prinspects@yahoo.com 603-740-4062
Turner Septic Inspections
Turner, Seth turnersepticinspections@gmail.com 603-307-4973
Ward Simonton Certified Home Inspections
Simonton, Ward simonton@fairpoint.net 207-890-5448
Company Name Email Phone
Allstate Insurance
Stevens, Jennifer jenniferstevens@allstate.com 603-539-3140
Infinger Insurance Agency
Church, Melissa melissa@infingerinsurance.com 603-447-5123
Infinger Insurance Agency
Infinger, Michael michael@infingerinsurance.com 603-662-6843
Infinger Insurance Agency
Joy Merrill, Kristal kristal@infingerinsurance.com 603-447-5123
Company Name Email Phone
Bay Equity Home Loans
Olson, Wendy wolson@bayeq.com 603-662-6106
CMG Financial
Dean, Kaylie kdean@cmgfi.com 603-323-0992
CMG Financial
Jones, Pat pjones@cmgfi.com 603-986-6416
Guild Mortgage
Cartonio, Morgan morgan.cartonio@guildmortgage.net 207-272-9685
Meredith Village Savings Bank
Dowd, Charles cwdowd@mvsb.com (603) 279-9217
Meredith Village Savings Bank
Hodge, Brittany bhodge@mvsb.com 603-496-8968
Northway Bank
Harrigan, Ed eharrigan@northwaybank.com 603-387-2139
Northway Bank
McCarthy, Lyn lmccarthy@northwaybank.com 603-986-8712
Northway Bank
Ross, William wross@northwaybank.com 603-998-0071
Norway Savings Bank
Charette, Kristen kcharette@norwaysavingsbank.com 207-892-9466
Norway Savings Bank
Luce, Michelle mluce@norwaysavingsbank.com 207-393-3688
Union Bank
Caroline, Hinkley CHinkley@ublocal.com 603-662-9665
Union Bank
Perry, Sue SPerry@ublocal.com 603-662-9665
Union Bank
Sanderson, Kathy KSanderson@ublocal.com 603-662-9665
USA Mortgage
Bodwell, Emma ebodwell@usa-mortgage.com 207-595-1138
Company Name Email Phone
The Country Picker Moving and Storage
Jefferies, Eileen eileen@thecountrypicker.com 603-447-3200
The Country Picker Moving and Storage
LeBlanc, Phil phil54@thecountrypicker.com 603-662-3801
The Country Picker Moving and Storage
Nealon, Cathy cathy@thecountrypicker.com 603-662-3802
The Country Picker Moving and Storage
Vogelsang, Tina tina@thecountrypicker.com 603-447-3200
Company Name Email Phone
Josh Laskin Photography
Laskin, Josh laskin.josh@gmail.com 856-776-6461
Real Estate Resources 
Company Name Email Phone
Buyer's Guide to Real Estate
Hazzard, Hollie hollie@thebuyersguide.com 603-986-5555
Vacation/Property Management 
Company Name Email Phone
Universal Property Management
Jendzejec, Ted tjendzejec@upmanagement.org (603) 766-4876